Debian OS Free Download

Debian  is an operating system composed of free software mostly carrying the GNU General Public License.The operating system is developed by an internet collaboration of volunteers aligned with The Debian Project.
Debian systems can use either the Linux kernel (known as the Debian GNU/Linux distribution), the FreeBSD kernel (known as the Debian GNU/kFreeBSD distribution) or, more recently, the GNU Hurd kernel (more precisely, the GNU Mach microkernel and its servers; known as the Debian GNU/Hurd distribution)
Debian GNU/Linux is one of the most popular Linux distributions for personal and Internet server machines. Debian is seen as a solid Linux, and as a consequence has been used as a base for other Linux distributions; Distrowatch lists 144 active Debian derivatives. Debian has been forked many times, but is not affiliated with its derivatives.
The vital role the Debian project plays in free software is demonstrated by its advancement of development and security patches relating to its strong participation in CVE compatibility efforts


The Debian project released a new kernel as of Wheezy's release date: the Debian GNU/kFreeBSD kernel. Debian now supports two kernels, Linux and kFreeBSD, and offers other kernels as development works (GNU Hurd and NetBSD). This project's new kernel has recently come out of preview but still lacks the amount of software available as on Debian's Linux. The kernel is offered for Intel/AMD 32-bit and 64-bit architecture machines. Wheezy is officially supported on ten machine architectures and also brought support for two new architectures: s390x and armhf.

Debian is still primarily known as a Linux distribution with access to online repositories hosting over 37,500 software packages.[16] Debian officially hosts free software on its repositories but also allows non-free software to be installed. Debian includes popular programs such as LibreOffice, Iceweasel (a rebranding of Firefox), Evolution mail, CD/DVD writing programs, music and video players, image viewers and editors, and PDF viewers. The cost of developing all the packages included in Debian 5.0 lenny (323 million lines of code) using the COCOMO model, has been estimated to be about US$ 8 billion. Ohloh estimates that the codebase (68 million lines of code) using the same model, would cost about US$ 1.2 billion to develop.
Debian offers 10 DVD and 69 CD images for download and installation, but only the first optical iso image of any of its downloadable sets is sufficient. Debian requires the first installable image, but uses online repositories for additional software. Debian's basic installation requires only the first CD or DVD of its release in order to have a working desktop experience. The Wheezy release offers to install a variety of default Desktops from its DVD boot menu (GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE) and allows visually-impaired people to use its installer. The new feature in Debian's latest installer of Wheezy for the visually-impaired supports a mode which is textual but performs audio output for each stage of installation. Debian offers different network installation methods for expert users. A minimal install of Debian is available via the 'netinstall' CD, whereby Debian is installed with just a base and later additional software can be downloaded from the internet.
Debian's new form of installation-from-USB has been supported since its sixth edition. Debian supports this capability inside its first iso-file of any of its install media sets (whether CD or DVD) and does not require the help of 'extraction tools' such as unetbootin. This new feature is called Hybrid iso in which an .iso file is dumped to USB. Debian is one of the few Linux distributions offering this feature with its install iso media, and other distributions are starting to adopt alike.

Other notable new features in Debian's latest release include: Multiarch, which allows 32-bit Linux software to run on 64-bit operating system installs; improved multimedia support, reducing reliance on third-party repositories; compiled packages with hardened security flags; AppArmor, which can protect a system against unknown vulnerabilities; and systemd, which shipped as a technology preview.

Debian's install-media is distributed via downloadable CD/DVD images from its mirrored sites,BitTorrent, jigdo and from optional retailers


ஞாலமனைத்திற்குமான இயங்கு தளம் எனும் அடை மொழியுடன் கிடைக்கப் பெறும் கட்டற்ற இயங்கு தளம் டெபியன் ஆகும். இது நிலைத்த பயன்பாட்டினைத் தரவல்லது எனப் பெயர் பெற்றது. இன்று பரவலாகப் பயன்படுத்தப் பட்டு வரும் குனாப்பிக்ஸ், உபுண்டு போன்ற இயங்கு தளங்கள் டெபியனிலிருந்தே தருவிக்கப் பட்டன.
குனுவின் கட்டற்ற மென்பொருட்களையும் லினக்ஸ் கருவினையும் ஏனைய கட்டற்ற மென்பொருட்களையும் பயனர்களுக்கு தொகுத்து ஒரு சேரத் தர முற்பட்ட துவக்க கால இயங்கு தளங்களுள் டெபியனும் ஒன்று. பொது நோக்கத்திற்கான மென்பொருள் அறக்கட்டளை இதற்கான ஆதரவினை நல்குகிறது.

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