Yahoo selling and other odd domains

Yahoo said it has "stumbled across" about 100 Web domains it owns, including and, and it will sell off the names in an auction this week.

"As we discussed what to do with them, it became obvious that it was time to set them free...back into the wild of the Internet," Yahoo wrote in a post on the Yahoo-owned Tumblr site announcing the "domainapalooza" on Wednesday.

Yahoo (YHOO, Fortune 500) will run the auction through from Nov. 14 to Nov. 21. The listcurrently includes domain names with common nouns, like, and, as well as stranger fare including,, and

Yahoo said it will add more names to the list this week.

A list of old domain names is a strange asset to stumble upon, but the forgotten gems could net Yahoo a tidy sum. The "reserve range" listed for these domains ranges from $1,000 for several of the offerings to $1.5 million for

Yahoo has made a lot of buzzy moves since Marissa Mayer took over as CEO last year. Since Mayer left Google to join Yahoo, the company has bought several start-ups, most notably Tumblr. Mayer has also been stressing the importance of mobile and personalization as the online media company tries to accelerate its online ad sales.

The stock has surged during Mayer's tenure, but many critics point out that the company still lags behind other online leaders, such as Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) andFacebook (FB, Fortune 500) in the race for ad dollars.

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